I am a head-hunter - it's simple. You tell me who you want in your organisation and I find them.
I don't mean give me a name - I mean tell me about your best performing sales person & what sets them apart? Or your best marketer, technical person or whomever else you are looking for. Tell me about your company culture and the plan for the next 10 years? Tell me why you are better than your competition?
If you can spend just 20 minutes giving me this information and more then I will be able to go out into the market and find the people you want in your organisation - people who don't just have the skills on paper but are also the right "fit" – and I will “sell” your opportunity to them.
I do not advertise for candidates and I'm confident that I never will because you probably don't want the people looking at the ads, you want the ones that are not looking!
I've been a head-hunter, a software solutions consultant and a farm manager – I get it! I've been on both sides of the desk as a sales person and a hiring manager and my god I cannot stand working with recruitment agencies.
I have a huge personal network within the Agri and Equine industry and I normally know exactly where to start looking for the people you need - I won't send you 75 irrelevant CV's - I will send you 2 to 3 profiles of people I'm confident you will want to speak to.
If something isn’t right we will work together to refine the brief – I’m gaining more and more respect from clients who like my attitude – I will happily stand up and justify where the brief needs to be changed and why.
This is not because I’m driving up my fee, making my own job easier or being awkward – this is based on information I gather from speaking to happily employed people all day long – I have a unique insight into real time salary information and working environments all across the spectrum from graduates to senior managers…
To take advantage of my network and industry knowledge, just give me a call...
Tel: 0777 555 6475
Hours of Business:
9am-5pm Monday-Friday
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