Workplace training is an excellent opportunity to expand both the knowledge base and skills of all employees, however for many businesses, the cost of training and development can be quite expensive. Another reason why many employers cut down on training opportunities for their employees is that attending training sessions can delay the completion of projects due to workers needing to take time out in order to attend. However, despite the potential drawbacks, training and development is able to provide both individual employees and the company as a whole with benefits that can make the time and money spent a worthwhile investment.
As a Sector Skills Council we support skills and training for people and businesses in the land-based and environmental sector.
We are an independent UK organisation owned and managed by our industries. We work with employers and the UK’s governments to address your skills and productivity needs.
Working in one of our industries? We have information to help you take your career to the next level.
Just starting out? We can tell you about careers and job opportunities in our sector.
Interested in developing your employees with Investors in People? We can help land-based and environmental businesses in England to achieve Investors in People status.
We can help you find the training you need with Lantra Awards, which offers and develops nationally recognised vocational training and qualifications in our sector, or search our CourseFinder facility.
City & Guilds Land Based Services (formerly NPTC) has a history going back to the Young Farmer's Club Movement in the 1930s when the achievement of skill was encouraged through competitions at club, region and county level leading to the development of Proficiency Tests.
City & Guilds Land Based Services has been at the forefront of developments for Craftsman awards under the Agricultural Wages Order, statutory and code of practice qualifications for the safe use of pesticides, sheep dipping, chainsaw operation and transport of livestock, required by the Pesticide Safety Directorate, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, DEFRA, the HSE and other government agencies and national bodies.
More recently City & Guilds Land Based Services has been a key supporter of the Voluntary Initiative seeking to reduce the impact of pesticides on the environment through participation in the National Register of Sprayer Operators, the National Sprayer Testing Scheme and other projects within the VI.
City & Guilds Land Based Services works closely with Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for landbased training and education, to ensure that qualifications are current and reflective of the industry's needs. In addition City & Guilds Land Based Services is frequently commissioned to develop customer awards for companies, trainers and other organisations that have a very specific training need that can realise added credibility by the rigour and discipline of management through an independent awarding body.
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