If you are looking for farm finance, an agricultural mortgage or rural finance options, then you have come to the right place.
We provide a friendly, approachable, trustworthy, personal and professional service. We believe the personal touch is essential in any business relationship and we deliver it without being starchy.
We provide quality and reliability by adopting a ‘hands on’ approach;every case is handled personally by a principal with expertise in farm finance. We hope this reassures you that you never become a just a ‘number’. It also helps that we have superb relationships with our lenders.
We understand the challenges our countryside faces and has faced over the last decade, such as BSE, foot and mouth, single farm payments, the hunting ban, set aside policy and the idiocy of Brussels and DEFRA, and the government’s dereliction of its responsibilities to local food supply and its apparent desire to turn the countryside into a giant playground. How more ridiculous can it be to pay farmers just for cutting grass (but not right up to the hedge) when our farmers are the best in the World?
We are actually qualified to help. One of us has worked in banking for over twenty-five years and the other is a Chartered Certified Accountant (definitely not what you expect an accountant to be like) who has also been in finance for over twenty-five years. We have the best of all Worlds: experience, qualifications and integrity.
Farm and Country Finance
P.O. Box 39
CW12 2FG
Phone: 01260 223540
Business Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri
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