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AI in UK agritech

13th January 2021

Get insight into AI with our free report.

Why does AI matter ?

Using Smart Tech means unlocking opportunities for productivity, profitability and sustainability that are fundamental to securing UK agriculture’s future.

While many farmers appreciate how emerging technologies can deliver better outcomes, such as more efficient use of resources and time, there are still barriers that need cross-industry, collaborative solutions.

Costs of adoption, return on investment, and fitness for purpose are all challenges that must be addressed to put UK agriculture on track for the next decade.

How the UK can be at the forefront of innovation

The UK has world-class technology and research capabilities, and is the global leader in the development of AI-enabled solutions, such as

  1. The world’s first weeding bot, developed by Small Robot Company
  2. Drone Ag, simplifying drone technology 
  3. The Hands Free Hectare project – planting, tending and harvesting crops without operators

When solutions are easily integrated into core processes, farms like Applegarth, which is successfully using a range of precision agriculture tech, will be the rule rather than the exception.

For more insight, download our AI in UK Agritech report.

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