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Tom takes lead role

5th July 2019

The agency has made another important move in reshaping its management structure by promoting Senior Account Manager Tom Howell as its new Client Services Director.

Tom takes up his new role with immediate effect having for the past year ably overseen and steered agency client Dow AgroSciences through a complex, multi-disciplined re-brand into its new global entity Corteva Agriscience.

As head of client services, Tom will continue to lead Corteva as well as other clients including Lloyd’s Register, GWT Insight and Earlham Institute, whilst also being responsible for developing customer relationships across the agency’s entire client roster.

In our landmark 25th year, Tom’s elevation to the agency management team represents a key part of the business’s future development strategy.

To chat to Tom about the agency’s service offering (or even to congratulate him on his new role!), email him

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