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3rd April 2019

Significant opportunities to boost production from forage are possible through use of some of the more advanced grassland machinery technology available, according to speakers at an open event staged by Francis Bugler Ltd at its Beaminster depot.

At the Dorset-based company’s ‘Quality Forage Solutions’ evening this week, visitors were invited to view a new belt merger machine, capable of rapid windrow formation whilst minimising soil contamination in the crop. They also had insight into an award-winning film binding system that is available on the latest baler wrapper combinations; this system uses wrap instead of net binding, thereby improving bale conservation quality whilst simultaneously reducing the burden of recycling. Film binding technology, patented by KUHN and available on models in their range, received the accolade of a silver medal at the recent LAMMA Show Livestock Innovation Award.

Speaking at the event, KUHN product specialist Katie Calcutt highlighted the role of new grassland machinery technology in the ongoing quest to boost production from forage.

“Innovation in machinery technology is creating opportunities for livestock farmers to improve the efficiency of forage conservation and increase the quality of the silage,” she said. “The Merge Maxx 950 belt merger is a machine that combines efficiency of output and improved forage quality and is not surprisingly attracting a lot of interest.

“Film binding is another new development that combines efficiency and increased forage quality. We’re seeing improved nutritional value in film bound bales. In addition, overcoming the downtime of having to separate net from wrap in order to meet recycling requirements is a great bonus for farmers.”

The ‘Quality Forage Solutions’ event was organised by Francis Bugler Ltd in conjunction with KUHN Farm Machinery, RPC bpi Agriculture and Solway Recycling.

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