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New Grant Scheme for Tree Planting with TRUSTwoods

16th August 2019

New grant funding pilot scheme launched for landowners to plant trees with The Woodland Trust

A pilot scheme with The Woodland Trust has been launched, offering expert advice and grants of up to £4,000 to landlords who want to create a small, new, native wood on their land.

Do you have an area of land your think may be suitable for planting woodland?

TRUSTwoods scheme is looking to engage people throughout the trial regions of Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire, Wiltshire and Worcestershire. Those with land of between one and three hectares looking to create woodland, are encouraged to get involved with the scheme.


The Director of woodland outreach, John Tucker, said; “we need new woodland like never before. Government has recently committed to new zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The expansion of the UK’s tree canopy cover from 13% to 17% is an essential part of the solution, but for the county to reach that target, we need to see a three-fold increase in current woodland creation levels.

“Locking up carbon isn’t the only reason to plant trees though. The right tree in the right place can improve soil quality and stability, reduce the impact of flooding, provide shelter for crops or livestock, vital habitat for wildlife or a place for us to simply get away from it all.”

Requirements of the Grants

TRUSTwoods grants require certain criteria to be met for an acceptance into their scheme. One of the following criteria should be met:

Will the new woodland:

  • Extend existing ancient woodland?
  • Extend other woodland?
  • Increase ecological connectivity, such as linking hedgerows?
  • Engage the public- for example with a new tree planting event?
  • Increase public access to woodland?
  • Enhance the ecological, cultural and visual value of the landscape?

The independent Woodland Advisors Group have been appointed by The Woodland Trust to run TRUSTwoods. As such, to apply for a grant, the process will involve the commission of a Woodland Advisors Group consultant to design and cost the new wood. Plans should then be uploaded, with a map as a part of the online application process. Applications will be dealt with in order of receipt and successful applicants will then be notified of the confirmation of their grant. Planting should be planned to take place in the winter of 2019-2020.

The Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust is the largest woodland conservation charity in the UK, with over half a million supporters. The mission statement of The Woodland Trust states: We want to see a UK rich in native woods and trees, for people and wildlife. The group have orchestrated the planting of over 43million trees, saved 1089 woods and have 34 thousand hectares of ancient woodland under restoration.

If you would like to know more about the scheme, would like support or advice around a grant application or would like to discuss suitability of your land, please get in contact with your local Howkins & Harrison office:

  • Rugby: 01788 564680
  • Atherstone: 01827 718021
  • Towcester: 01327 353575
  • Ashby de la Zouch: 01530 877977

For more news, please visit our website: Howkins & Harrison

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