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Weed control in autumn sown leys

5th September 2019

Broadleaved weeds emerging in new-sown leys will reduce the amount of grass that can establish. To optimise the investment in reseeding, farmers should get rid of these weeds by spraying herbicide as soon as the grass shows three true leaves, says Dr Nicola Perry, weed biology specialist for Corteva Agriscience.

"There are many weeds that quickly take advantage of freshly turned, bare soil including mayweeds, fat hen and chickweed,” says Dr Perry. "These broadleaved weeds can easily outcompete the tiny seedling grasses if allowed to get too big."

New sown leys can be treated with Envy until the end of November at a rate of 1.5 litres/ha.

"Envy is also good for getting on top of seedling perennial weeds such as baby docks, thistles and buttercups. Killing them when they are small before they have established a deep tap root, is much easier than controlling them once they have taken a firmer foothold next spring. However, be aware that Envy will not control seedling thistles."

Envy, which contains a combination of fluroxypyr and florasulam outperforms straight fluroxypyr because it can cope better with fluctuating diurnal temperatures in the autumn. Ideally the last time it should be used is two weeks before the first frosts are forecast.

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