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Get ready for AgPRelude

23rd November 2019

AgPRelude, the only service from an agricultural PR agency that’s designed to meet the needs of agtech entrepreneurs and start-ups alongside multinationals and established companies, is nearly ready for launch.

Specifically tailored to new entrants, early-stage and young companies who have secured their ‘big idea’ but now need to attract attention and build a brand, AgPRelude uses Agro Mavens’ agtech marketing knowledge and PR agency expertise to help young companies build their marketing confidence and refine their strategies.

The programme is simple. Companies select from a menu of stand-alone service modules, such as brandathons, strategy workshops, story-building, press kits, media relations and media training. They can choose just one, or combine as many as they need.

Unlike a traditional agricultural PR agency model, there’s no costly retainer and no long-term commitment, giving companies freedom to develop and implement a PR and marketing strategy over a timescale that suits them.

Adrian Bell, Agro Mavens founder and managing director, says:

“The UK’s agritech sector is bursting with new energy, strong ideas and a determination to put digital innovation to good use in transforming this vital industry.

“New entrants and early-stage companies need effective marketing strategies to get their big ideas understood and create demand for their products and services.

“Many of the new agtech entrants I’ve met are completely new to the industry. They’re the first to admit they need some help with understanding and addressing their marketing challenges.

“I’ve heard so many times from agtech start-ups that (a) they didn’t know that a specialist, focused agricultural PR agency existed, and (b) they knew marketing was important, but were deterred them investing in a strategy because of concerns about long-term commitment and costs.

“AgPRelude offers the understanding and knowledge gained from 20 years of agricultural marketing, but with the affordability and flexibility of a ‘pay-as-you-go’ pricing model,” explains Adrian.

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