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Check your company for PR-readiness

23rd November 2019

Finding out that there are dedicated, specialist agencies like Agro Mavens working in agricultural and agritech marketing often comes as a pleasant surprise to those in the sector, especially those with a start-up or early-stage company to shout about.

After all, who wants to work with a generalist agency whose only knowledge of agriculture to date has been Facebook’s Farmville?

Having said that, are you ready to call on a dedicated agricultural marketing agency? Here’s a quick checklist. Score between 3 and 5, and you’re definitely PR-ready – talk to us about what we can do for you.

  1. The Who, What, How?

    Can you confidently explain who you are, what you do and how your product (or service) will deliver? You don’t yet have to be at MVP (minimum viable product) stage, but it helps. Equally, don’t worry about not having a polished identity or fully configured brand (we can help you with both of those), but only if you can spare us some…

  2. Time!

    We’re used to working with companies who turn to us because they don’t have time to do the marketing and PR themselves. Yes, we can act as your fully-fledged, in-house-but-outsourced marketing department. But we still need to find time to engage with each other – to bounce ideas off you, to have you approve copy and imagery, to speak to journalists, to share what’s happening in the company. Unless you invest time in us, we can’t help you reach your…

  3. Objectives!

    To get the most from your agritech marketing, you need to tell us what you’re looking to achieve. Do you want sales? Increased customer numbers? To increase awareness before launch? To attract the curious investor? Or the veteran agtech investor? Share with us what you want, and we can tailor the marketing and communications to suit not only you, but also…

  4. Your budget!

    Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. We work with companies at both ends of the spectrum – and the multi-zeroed projects from our corporate clients are countered by our experiences working with start-ups who have but a small budget to fund a marketing programme.

    Whatever your budget, we can extract maximum value from it, achieving your goals while being mindful of limited spend. Discrete, stand-alone projects can often deliver outstanding results – so question any agency that tells you a costly retainer is the best way forward. Agro Mavens offers ag and agtech start-ups its stand-alone AgPRelude package, an introductory PR and marketing ‘menu’ from which to select fixed-price items. It’s a ‘no frills’ service – but it recognises that we care more about…

  5. The Story You Have To Tell!

    We’ll always be more interested in what you have to say, than in what you have to spend. This is what you get from coming to a dedicated, living, breathing, agricultural PR agency. We’re agtech geeks, genuinely excited by each and every solid story that comes out of the agritech world. 

    So as soon as you start to tell us your story, we start to think about how that story sits with an agricultural audience. What makes it relevant, and why. Where to pitch it. Which audiences will be most receptive. And once you’ve told us your story, we’ll help you build it, expand it, define it, refine it. Then, and only then, do we start to share it with those who’ll understand it, engage with it, value it, and – most importantly – act on it.

We turn agricultural knowledge into marketing actions, so why not find out what we can do for you. Get in touch!

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