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The Rural Youth Project

30th June 2018

An initiative focused on rural youth, to better understand and support their needs, desires and challenges, making comparisons between Scotland, England, Wales and international countries. Incorporating qualitative and quantitative research, engagement and leadership events.

This research-based project aims to develop feasible strategies to facilitate the involvement of young people in agricultural and rural activity by better understanding their current situation, aspirations, opportunities and challenges. 

It will engage with 18 to 28 year olds in, or brought up in rural places throughout Scotland. It will also invite English and Welsh young people to participate to provide further data to compare and contrast the results in Scotland. 

Furthermore, it will draw comparisons with three international countries - Austria, Australia, Canada and USA by inviting native rural youth to take part in the project. 

The outcomes will be shared with the research partners, and wider industry to help ensure that, collectively, we are informed and equipped to better support and inspire the future generations of Scotland.

The research will be followed up, including additional countries, from 2019-22 to develop the unfolding picture over time. 

Find out more by visiting



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