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Agrovista opens new upgraded Dundee depot

16th March 2020

Sprayer care starts here, was the message at the official opening of the new Agrovista Dundee depot, recently.

Following a considerable upgrade of facilities including a new workshop area and parts counter, visitors were invited to experience the latest machinery technology, as well as learn how Agrovista can help with all aspects of sprayer purchasing and maintenance.

It also proved an opportunity to showcase the wider Agrovista business, from soil health programmes and agronomy, to precision farming and weather services.

“We offer customers a complete sprayer provision, whether that’s purchasing machines and parts, or devising service plan agreements, we are here to help you from start to finish,” said Area Sales Manager and Agronomist David Paul.

“The new workshop facilities reflect our commitment to giving customers in our local area the very best in service. We’re delighted to welcome the support of so many people at our open day.”

The event took place on Wednesday March 4 at the depot at West Adamston Farm in Muirhead, and was open to both existing customers and the general public.

Machinery and equipment were on display from Knight, Hardi, Kioti, Bateman and Pellenc, and visitors were encouraged to meet colleagues from both the engineering and distribution teams. 

Marketing Coordinator Carolyn McIntyre co-organised the event. She said: “Our team has years of experience and are very knowledgeable in their trade - it’s the people behind Agrovista that make it such a successful, trusted company.

“The new depot is transformed, with our new parts counter proving a real hit. We had around 75 visitors at the event so are delighted to have shared it with everyone.”

For more information visit

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